Mullins Reunion Connection
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Leave your comments on the web page, and I'll be sure to respond when I can.
Name: Patricia Jarrett-Whitaker Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: UNITED STATES  Date: 14 Aug 2010 20:57:19 GMT

Comment: It looks like everyone had a great time and I'm sorry that I missed it. I love those t-shirts and Darryl if you have any left over I would like to purchase one or two. God willing I plan on being at the next reunion in Tampa. Love to all of my family members.

Name: Dell Clarkson Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 15 Aug 2010 01:35:45 GMT

Comment: Patricia I was so looking forward to seeing you. I finally made a reunion. It was wonderful. It was so good to see everyone. I'm already planning to go to Tampa! Daryl you are something else. Love the web site!

Name: Devidra Mullins-Muhammad Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: UNITED STATES  Date: 15 Aug 2010 02:22:35 GMT

Comment: Thanks for share the beautiful pictures Darryl. Sorry I was not able to share the wonderful weekend with the family. I will be sending photos to share on your news page. I too will like to purchase two of those cute t-shirts (1-S) and (1-L) if possible. Hope to see you in Tampa. I'm (John Raymond Mullins) baby girl from Marlton New Jersey.Hugs and Kisses 2all!!!!!

Name: Gail C. Johnson Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: US  Date: 15 Aug 2010 15:46:54 GMT

Comment: I can't say enough how well organized the 2010 Reunion was. Darrell,Connie, Eddie B. and all of the Committee members did an oustanding job. I can't wait to get to Tampa in 2012.

Name: Dell Clarkson Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 15 Oct 2010 23:35:32 GMT

Comment: Just wanted to say hello to everyone! I was in Springfield last weekend to go to Cousin Ellis' stepdaughter's wedding blessing. It was beautiful. I also was able to see Ellis' daughter, Crystal and her mother, Florence. What a beautiful family we have. It was a good time. Nice to see Ellis' wife, Elsie too. She is doing well. I will be in Atlanta for the Christmas holidays...

Name: Darryl Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 16 Oct 2010 14:54:27 GMT

Comment: I hope all is well with everyone. I hope to spend Christmas week in FL...scouting out some fishing holes for 2012!

Name: Dell Clarkson Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 19 Dec 2010 12:39:44 GMT

Comment: Hello everyone! I want to wish everyone in the family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! What an exciting year 2010 was for me. I must say that God has blessed me with so much this past year. I am happy to be a member of our fantastic family! Hope to see everyone in Tampa in 2012! Love...

Name: Darryl Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 19 Dec 2010 19:56:56 GMT

Comment: I pray that each member of our family has a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Lova ya'll!

Name: Darryl Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 8 Feb 2012 02:37:51 GMT

Comment: Jerry is working hard to ensure we have a great reunion. Let's rally around him and make this an incredible event!

Name: Chiquita Mullins Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 6 Mar 2012 20:56:20 GMT

Comment: Hello family i have been missing the reunions but im looking foward to be in Tampa this year.Im one of John Raymond grandkids.

Name: Cassandra Bennett Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 5 Apr 2012 16:41:22 GMT

Comment: I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion in Tampa.

Name: Devidra Mullins Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 21 May 2012 03:04:34 GMT

Comment: Time is moving close!! I can't wait to meet my dear cousins, It will be a wonderful time spent together and share our life stories. Darryl I know u are safe at home. I just wanted to say thank you for driving the distance to visit and meet with me for the very first time. You made my day. Keep in touch. See you in JUNE!!!!!

Name: Darryl Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 22 May 2012 23:35:17 GMT

Comment: I can't wait to see everyone in Tampa. Devidra and I kicked off the reunion when we ran into each other in Providence, RI earlier this month. Bring the cameras and fun-spirit!

Name: Dell Clarkson Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 19 Jun 2012 21:24:13 GMT

Comment: I understand that President Obama will be in Tampa on Friday, June 22, 2012. It would be nice for the Mullins Family to represent!

Name: Darryl Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 19 Jun 2012 23:11:17 GMT

Comment: That should make for interesting security in the area on Friday. See ya then!

Name: Mary J. Rowan Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 22 Jun 2012 18:49:05 GMT

Comment: Bill and I are here at the 2012 Mullins Reunion! It's wonderful to see so many family members. We're looking forward to all the Reunion events Jerry and his crew has planned and most importanly, we're looking forward to spending time with the "family".

Name: Devidra Mullins Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: UNITED STATES  Date: 26 Jun 2012 02:06:27 GMT

Comment: Hi family! I had a wonderful time this year "2012 Family Reunion. " For all the family that didn't have the chance to come and fellowship with us! We hope to see you in 2014....! Thanks to our Love ones in Tampa. You are number #1 and wonderful.

Name: Dell Clarkson Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 30 Jun 2012 15:50:37 GMT

Comment: Wow, that's all I can say right now. It was a wonderful time spent with family. We are beautiful family! Can't wait to see everyone in Colorado Springs in 2014! Tampa team hats off to you for a job well done. Smiles...

Name: Patricia Jarrett-Whitaker Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 1 Jul 2012 02:45:43 GMT

Comment: Well it looks like I'm going to miss another reunion because of neck and back surgery. I love you all, say a little prayer for me and have a great time.

Name: Glory Jarrett Brinkley Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: UNITED STATES  Date: 29 Jul 2012 22:07:02 GMT

Comment: What a wonderful time my husband and I had being with the family in Tampa. The Florida crew did a great job hosting the 2012 reunion.

Name: Cassandra Bennett Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 24 Feb 2014 13:33:02 GMT

Comment: I can't believe its that time again. I'm looking forward to coming out and enjoying all the festivities that will be going. Look forward to seeing all the family again. See you there.

Name: Devidra MullinsEmail: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: U.S.A. Date: 23 Apr 2016 02:48:35 GMT

Comment: Hello family! Sorry I will not be able to attend this family reunion this year. I've been preparing for my retirerment. June 9,2016. Celebrating 32 years of teaching. I wish my family could attend however, I know everyone will enjoy themselves in Las Vegas. May you all have a wonderful time and I will see you at the next reunion. Love You all and remember! What happens in Vegas stay's in Vegas!!! 

Name: Chiquita Mullins Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 16 May 2016 22:56:46 GMT

Comment: Lets keep cousin Jerry family in prayer he passed on yesterday.

Name: LISA CHENG Email: [email protected]
Welcome Page:   
Country: UK  Date: 4 Jun 2019 08:01:33 GMT

Comment: Hello Friends, l am retired now but l need to start a new investment with the Funds l received from my Retirement. Contact me to enable us do a joint business together. The funds will be sent to you immediately as we discuss further. l live in UK. LISA CHENG [email protected]

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